человеческий фактор
потери от аварийных простоев одного крупного промышленного предприятия (недовыпуск продукции + затраты на устранения последствий)
перерасход ФОТ на дежурный персонал из-за неэффективного использования времени
журналы, графики, наряды и другие несистемные методы контроля, без регулярной проверки и учёта
персонал оценивает отклонения субъективно, что неизбежно влияет на качество и полноту контроля
персонал знает, что факт проведения контроля трудно проверить, поэтому зачастую записи делаются формально
многочисленные данные с бумажных носителей практически невозможно систематизировать
Программно-аппаратный комплекс ПН-Контроль позволяет полностью автоматизировать работу дежурного персонала при инспекционных обходах оборудования:
планирование контроля: время, маршрут, оборудование
организация процесса сбора и фиксации данных
анализ результатов контроля
Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программ для ЭВМ
№ 2016660995 от 27.09.2016 г.
Контроль факта присутствия и времени обхода
Генерация технологической карты
Savings from reducing emergency downtime up to 23%
Savings from reducing emergency downtime up to 23%
It is not necessary to describe all monitoring activities thoroughly. Instead, a rational combined approach can be taken:
• Use operations detalization in especially critical nodes,
• Perform a general inspection of secondary sites,
• Allow the inspector to create new objects and/or monitoring operations which data need to be saved (log entries).
All these options are provided by our product.
Below is a full range of information to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of malfunctions:
Electronic tag.
Upon the tag activation the software will immediately open the corresponding object window.
Then information whether a tag was activated during inspection or not is recorded separately in the standard report on completed operations.
Each operation has a “labour costs” property where you can enter the time spent on the operation. Later, using a special report (included in the standard report set) you can get an inspection model (a set of expected operations by shifts based on established cycles) which clearly demonstrates both the total operation load per shift and the possible uneven distribution of operations between shifts.
PN-Control has a proprietary intellectual solution to synchronize operation timing both on a specific monitoring object and on a group of objects. A mathematical algorithm collects all upcoming operations at the calculated time point to minimize the number of inputs for the required number of operations without changing their frequencies. Such recalculation is performed automatically every time the next monitoring cycle is completed and does not require user input.
Online informing on the current inspection data can be organized in 2 ways:
This is common in our business, so we always offer a turnkey system deployment. Our experienced engineers will analyze the site structure, form all the necessary modules in the system and put tags on the equipment while you just “press the start” and receive convenient reports that are more informative and easier to analyze than paper record books.
Moreover it has become a good practice to provide our support services (after the project launch) for analytical work in the system, assessment of employee actions, additional briefings and training for employees on PN-Control and the technical skills that can be useful for subsequent work.
To work with large arrays of objects PN-Control provides the Monitoring Packages functionality — these are groups of standard monitoring operations (depending on the types of equipment) that can be linked to a specific object.
Thus a centralized unit (a service center) develops standard monitoring packages and field service engineers use ready-made standard solutions (packages) to build specific inspection routes. Besides they are easy to replicate.
The standard application already includes monitoring packages for many equipment groups.
PN-Control offers the Instructions for Personnel functionality.
With the use of a basic electronic signature (user identification by login and password), PN-Control allows the service engineer to issue instructions for personnel directly from the software; they will appear on the device panel at the start of work (when logging in to the device).
Upon reading the instruction, a “trace” remains in the system as the employee’s basic electronic signature.
Instructions can be shift-based or one-time for the entire enterprise or a specific route (section).
The principle is simple: PN-Control receives the functional location structure of the production site from the main “master” system and returns messages on issues on these functional locations. Then in the main system the service engineer processes these messages into work orders, etc. depending on the functionality of the selected MRO system.
PN-Control does not substitute but reliably supplements the MRO system by managing and monitoring the inspector’s actions providing them with the necessary information and returning signals on issues to the “master” system to adjust maintenance plans.
PN-Control standard package:
Server is provided by customer (minimum requirements for database deployment); a web service option with cloud data storage is also available.
Device–server interaction:
The device is equipped with software for offline operation. Аll basic algorithms of monitoring operations (performing regular monitoring cycles, creating history records of performed operations, saving and linking photo and video files to operations) are implemented in the Android application on the device and all the information from the device is subsequently transferred to the primary database during the first data exchange with the server.
There are several reasons:
Conclusion: following the discussion with many partners we concluded that the best option for our customers is a complex delivery (software + device + accessories) with subsequent support that includes an entire cycle of necessary actions to maintain a comfort zone for our customers throughout the PN-Control solution lifetime.
An electronic chip to identify a functional location and the employee’s attendance at this location during the inspection. A functional location is a group of objects determined by the user according to the ALARP principle (we will help with this).
The NFC format has been chosen due to its wide distribution and availability and the best resistance to the production environment (a QR code, for example, loses its readability rapidly in the production environment).
The only problem we had to solve at the beginning was the presence of interference (electromagnetic radiation, mechanical surfaces) at the production sites that prevents reading NFC tags. So our specialists have developed a unique tag design that overcomes these difficulties and works perfectly in the most unfavorable conditions.
The tag can be used both outdoors and at high temperatures. Various options for attaching tags are available (sticker, fasteners, collar) and a special reflective design makes the tag visible in the most densely packed production area.
For those unfamiliar with the NFC format — such tags do not require a power supply and communication channels and are read by the NFC module of the devices.
The basis is averaged statistics for a selection of companies from different industries (mainly pulp and paper and timber industries):
Reduction of downtime losses:
In any case, we will help you calculate the project effectiveness. The main thing is to understand the key issues — either the above-mentioned economic rationales or, for example, labor safety level increase, or a global strategy for production digitalization.
Under construction
Программное обеспечение «ПН-Контроль» – необходимое связующее звено между оборудованием, производственником и глобальной ERP-системой по управлению предприятием.
С помощью ПО «ПН-Контроль» осуществляется:
Используя ПО «ПН-Контроль», пользователь получает заранее разработанные с необходимым интервалом и критериями контроля маршрут и задачи (операции контроля), а в случае негативного исхода контроля программное обеспечение предлагает «оперативное действие» – алгоритм действий по устранению или минимизации последствий этих замечаний.
Автоматизация оперативного контроля с помощью программно-аппаратного комплекса PN-Control позволяет:
1. Требования к серверу:
2. Требования к рабочей станции:
Windows 7 и более поздние версии (рекомендуется Windows 10), Net Framework 4.5, Microsoft Office 2016 и более поздние версии
3. Требования к мобильному устройству:
Android 7.0 и выше
Основной класс:
05.15 Информационные системы для решения специфических отраслевых задач
Коды продукции в соответствии с Общероссийским классификатором продукции по видам экономической деятельности:
58.29.29 Обеспечение программное прикладное прочее на электронном носителе
62 Продукты программные и услуги по разработке программного обеспечения; консультационные и аналогичные услуги в области информационных технологий
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «КИТ Софит»
Юридический адрес: 163046, г. Архангельск, ул. Логинова, дом 80, корпус 1, офис 43
ИНН: 2901276752
КПП: 290101001
ОГРН: 1162901055701
Электронная почта: info@kitsofit.ru
Номер: 2016660995
Дата регистрации: 27.09.2016 г.
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